Resolutions: A Perspective

As we prepare to head into the new year, a time where we become inundated with messages of improving ourselves in every aspect of our lives, I encourage you to pause and challenge the status quo.

I’m the first person to sign up for a hefty goal, and few things can deter me once my mind is set, and what I’ve never put too much stock in, is this first of the year business.

First, why do we feel compelled to change anything in the first place? Where are these messages coming from? Did you know that external forces and motivations tend to result in lower resolve? So, unless you’re intrinsically motivated, it may be really difficult to stick to the changes you implement. The clearer you can get on why you want to implement a change while visualizing the outcome, the easier it will be to stick with. Remember, you can do hard things (when the motivation is coming from the right place).

Second, when we do find our motivation in the right place, we often take on too much. There’s that saying that all you need is to improve by 1% every day. While I agree with this concept, I have a hard time quantifying what that truly means. So perhaps, you adopt the approach of doing one thing every day that brings you the tiniest bit closer to your goal. Doing this will allow you to find success every day.

Third, have you really thought through a realistic timeline to achieve your goal? Those 12 books you’ve been meaning to read for the last year won’t suddenly become shorter and your free time longer, are you really going to plow through them all in two months. Check your expectations and get very real with yourself about the timeline you’re working with. Oscillating between extremes can be really hard to maintain and especially demotivating. It’s also a great way to burn out too. You’re in it for the long run, right?

Perhaps this year, you lean into grace and set a goal that will truly help you to live optimally and start it now instead of waiting for a somewhat random date to begin. After all, life happens every day of the year.

I’m rooting for you, let me know what you’re working on whether it’s a resolution or not.

With deep love,


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