Recognizing Peace in the Uneventful

Last weekend our little family packed up to escape (some of) the notorious summer heat of Sacramento to enjoy a day trip to our family cabin, nestled on the river. Our loose plans included a lazy afternoon while Bea napped then getting in a nice long 5-7 mile hike in preparation for our upcoming Lost Coast Trail hike. 

Count us surprised when the weather was a solid 10 degrees hotter than forecasted (we thought it would be closer to 80°), even as we refreshed our apps while parking. Of course this would happen, we tried to find some outdoor time and continue our physical training for Lost Coast but there was no way I was signing up to hike several hours in 95° heat. We were forced into Plan B. Bea decided she was too excited to nap also, so it’s hot, our kiddo is over tired, and there’s no AC at the cabin. Feeling defeated, I was ready to throw in the towel and drive back home. After taking a few minutes to regroups, we did the next best thing, we dug out our bathing suits and headed straight to the river.

We spent several hours in the refreshingly chilly river water doing absolutely nothing. Justin built a small damn to slow the flow of water in a two foot deep area so we could have our very only swimming hole, we taught Bea how to plunge her body in the water to cool down, and we threw countless rocks into the rushing waters.

It was during this time that I had a moment of clarity, a download from the Universe if you will, all the years of our hard work to build a life of peace and we are finally able to enjoy these uneventful, slow, quiet days. Since entering parenthood I can’t say we’ve had too many peaceful days, our entry into this journey has been a bumpy ride to say the least. But this last Saturday gave me a glimpse that we are shifting into another season, a season that will be very welcome, perhaps we are settling into our roles more. Regardless, I was reminded that fighting for peace is worth every moment.

I left the cabin with my soul renewed and my cup over flowing. If you’re going through it, I encourage you to keep going, to keep holding on, to continue searching for the good and the light. Even in the most unexpected times, life may surprise with a day that feels like it was borrowed from your dreams. 

With deep love,


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