gymshark women

Let's Talk Sports Bras

Let's Talk Sports Bras

It's pretty safe to say that I own a few sports bras. Between teaching yoga seven days a week and also working out 3 to 6 times a week, I wear a lot of athletic gear. So when it comes to keeping the girls protected and secured I know a thing or two. I'm sharing a few of my favorite sports bra brands and why.

Does a Perfect Workout Legging Exist?

Does a Perfect Workout Legging Exist?

Okay people! We’ve got some serious items to talk about today: leggings. With so many companies and social influencers floating around it can be really hard to know where to invest your hard earned dollars on premium athletic wear that withstands the test of our yoga bending, sweat drenching bootcamps, crossfit box rips, and athleisure. I mean, if you’re going to drop $100+ for legging, they better be good, right?

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