Savor + Protect

Savor + Protect

The dramatic shift in lifestyle leading up birth and now has proven to be ripe for savoring the simple things. After Bea was born, I thought I’d be able to hop right back into everything I was doing before getting pregnant: workouts, to-do lists, running the household, hanging out with friends… you know, normal life. I can now admit that was a bit naive on my part (insert joke about being a first time mom). What I have found is that erasing my to-do list, at the encouragement of my therapist, I have settled into a slower pace. It’s as if the weight of that list has been lifted and now we can slow wayyy down.

Guest Post: Working Out During COVID-19 - Tips for Full-Body Fitness at Home

Guest Post: Working Out During COVID-19 - Tips for Full-Body Fitness at Home

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has forced the shutdown of gyms, yoga studios, and wellness centers across the country. As a result, active individuals will have to find ways to maintain their fitness routine at home for the foreseeable future. Whether you typically attend yoga classes, lift weights at the gym, run on a treadmill, or work out with a personal trainer, it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt your regular workout for home. Here are some great home workout ideas to get your body moving in all the right ways.

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